Lbs lost since March, 2009

29 March 2012

Health professional???

Definition of health: "the overall condition of an organism at a given time, soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from disease or abnormality; a condition of optimal well-being; the state of being bodily and mentally vigorous and free from disease; the general condition of body and mind."

Definition of professional: "conforming to the standards of a profession, e.g. professional behaviour", "having or showing great skill; expert", "skilled practitioner; an expert."

So if "health" has to do with "soundness of mind"... What is more, if "health" has to do with "freedom from abnormality"... And as regards "professional" -especially in that related to "professional behaviour"-, I can't see how professional it is what you did to me.

(To my third ex personal trainer.)

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