Lbs lost since March, 2009

20 December 2011


I'm not feeling sore yet.. Too soon for that... But I can already feel the endorphins. Wooohooo!

So I've finished my first serious workout in ages... Well, not ages - just 1 month 27 days. 

It feels GREAT to be back to training like an MF. It wasn't a WOOOW workout, but it wasn't a BLAH one, either.

Rate? "Quite good". Anyway - cheers, Spartan woman! :)

CIRCUIT TRAINING - December 20th

(Kb = Kettlebell; Bb = Barbell; Db = Dumbbell; Rb = Resistance band/s)


Kb Side Step & Full Circle w/arms
Kb Plie Squats
Kb Swings
Kb Twists
Kb Side Bends
Kb Floor Lifts
Kb Squat & Press
Kb Tricep Kickbacks
Kb Cross Over Squats

10-15 reps of each, Series x 2 (Supersetted)


Rb (w/bar attached) Front Shoulder Raise
Rb (w/bar attached) Vertical/Upright Row
Rb (w/bar attached) Bicep Curl
Bb Stiff Leg Deadlifts 
Bb Bent-over Row
Bb Vertical/Upright Row
Bb Bicep Curls
Bb Good Morning
Rb Standing Row
Rb Overhead Tricep Extensions
Db Front Shoulder Raises
Db Lateral Shoulder Raises
Db Overhead Tricep Extensions
Db Hammer Curls
Db Bicep Curls

10-15 reps of each, Series x 2 (Supersetted)

I know both series were a bit too long, especially the last one. I could have divided it into 3, or even 4 series. But I just wanted to move on to the next exercise, for the sake of... F-U-N!

So now I've had my whey with 0% milk and half a can of tunafish - all of them, A-grade protein.

I'm burning like T.N.T. (There's No Tomorrow)! Wooohooo!

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